Can Kid still study music?
Music for kid lessons chiangmai Children can start learning music from the age of 2 years old. At this age, it focuses on enhancing the senses, including eyes, ears, hand muscles. Emphasis on rhythm, tapping, clapping to follow the rhythm of the song. Our courses enhance the knowledge of music with fairy tales. which will make children Have fun and gain knowledge as well.

Learning music with tales
Using fairy tales in music teaching Listening and reading stories will encourage children's brains to learn, develop, and extend to learning in other activities. in the classroom as well Therefore, we bring fairy tales together with music lessons for children to develop music.
Our courses are divided into groups of 2-4 students each, duration 1 hour/class. Able to choose a class schedule.


Location Twinkle Studio
128/33 Kunlapunt Ville Moi 6 Thumbon Baanwang Ampher Hangdong Chiangmai 50230